Monday, June 1, 2009


Hello All,
I am so excited about my blog and even more excited that you are too. I hope to post some kind of daily tips starting soon so be sure to check back. Also I have made my settings so that anyone can post, you may find that you are being listed as annonymous if you aren't a member but if of course you want to be identified you can add you name at the end of the text! I have heard from several of you over the past several weeks that you started out well and have fallen off and back into you bad habits. Just know that you can start again at any time. The smallest changes can make the biggest difference in your body. A friend told me just this morning that she has stopped drinking sodas! This is major, that alone will cut the pounds! Just replace those sugary non-nutritious drinks with water and juices not from concentrate and you're good to go. Start moving today! It's a gorgeous day. Get outside, go for a walk, play with your kids, do anything but go home and crash! Stay active and your body with thank you. Start slow so you won't burn out and keep your eyes on the prize!


  1. I tend to feel hungry ALL the time, even an hour after I did you overcome false hunger desires?

  2. How often are you eating? Let's say you wake up at 7 am don't eat breakfast and don't eat anything until lunch. You body is deprived at this point and you grab all the wrong foods. More than likely you aren't eating foods that are high in fiber which help you stay full longer. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables to add to any meal. I almost always have an apple with my lunch. Even if I am not feeling satisfied after I finish my lunch after that apple I am completely full. Also are you drinking water? Drinking your 64 oz of water your almost sure to be sipping all day long and this helps in between meals. Also I alway keep sugar-free gum handy, if I have a need to munch and nothing healthy is available it always works!
