Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Is it worth it?

You know if I eat something I shouldn't be eating you best to believe I thought long and hard about it before it went in my mouth. I always ask myself, "Is it worth it?" To bust out of my calorie safety zone those calories better be super worth it for my taste buds. Like my yummy peanut butter, or the ocassional fries or slice of birthday cake. I know those are my favorites so if I have a treat it is usually something I love. Well today I was reading my newest edition of the Washingtonian magazine of which I am a loyal subscriber. I know they almost always hit a home run with me regarding their recommendations for "best of" when it comes to places to eat. Well this month was the second month in a row that they were raving about a place called KBQ and how great their ribs are. Well it just so happens this place is in the same strip mall where I go to the gym. I know it well because I told my hubby how much I love the smell of the place when I come out of the gym on a crisp winter night. For some reason I don't smell it in the warm months I think the cold has something to do with it. Weird, I know. Anyway since I have been going to this gym for over two years I have never had the urge to actually eat anything from this place even though I love the smell which seemed to be satisfying enough for me...until today. I asked a co-worker if he had ever tried their ribs because he lives in the area too and he said they were good but not great. I figured well thats just one person I want to know what the hype is about. So as I sit here burping up ribs as I am typing I can assure you those ribs were not worth me getting side-tracked. Yeah they were good but like he said not great. That's what I'm looking for if I stray I need great! Just something to keep in mind when you are reaching for something you really shouldn't be reaching for. I know I'll stick to my montra and ask myself "Is it worth it?"

Monday, June 29, 2009


If you are working out or beginning to work out regularly be sure to measure your body. The inches will fall off when the weight seems to remain the same. There were several times when I mad because the scale didn't budge but went to wear a pair of pants only to find I was swimming in them. It really is a trip but in a good way. When you exercise remember you are losing fat and gaining muscle and that can explain plateaus in weight some times. The areas to measure for certain are your waist, your hips, your thighs, your busts and your arms. I lost over 28 inches total from my body and I'm still amazed it. I kept a belt I wore when I was a size 18 as a reminder to tell myself how far I've come if I am ever doubtful. As a matter of fact I remember telling a co-worker how much I couldn't wait to go out and buy some really cute belts because I didn't mind tucking in blouses when I first met my weight loss goal. I used to always wear big tops or wear blouses on the outside because I wanted to make my mid-section less noticeable. I have tons of belts now and still as always looking for some really cute ones in all colors and designs. It is so much fun a a belt can change a dull outfit in a flash!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


This is such a great time of year to be active. No excuses. When the weather is nice & hot & sunshiny you just gotta get out in it. Sometimes with the humidity it may not be a good idea to go for a run but try swimming and other outdoor activities that are fun and cool you off while you are exercising and having fun. My kids are waiting for me now to take them to the splash park for a birthday party, not only will they have fun but I will burn calories running around after them, whew my work out will get in big time. Try to think out of the box and be creative with fun new things. Please share some ideas of activities. I really want to get a badminton net set up in my yard. I haven't played in years but its so much fun and all that running around after the birdie is great! Please share your ideas for summer outdoor activities and cool summer recipes. I have been killing watermelon lately. It's in season and oh so good!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back in Action!

Okay I'm back and feeling good. Actually by yesterday I was much better and back in the gym. I went to the gym tonight as well so I will rest out tomorrow and maybe hit spinning again on Saturday morning, we shall see. Anyway I just have to share about my driver's license. I just realized yesterday that my driver's license expires around my birthday in January. I can't tell you how much this excites me because I have had to live with my double-chinned driver's license photo for five years. I remember taking it in '05 and picking out a pretty red sweater to wear and doing my hair and applying some cute red lipstick only for my face to look like a pie with two chins and a pale as a ghost. I remember crying in my car in the parking lot over this picture. How vain is that? I don't even think vanity had anything to do with it. I think it was just the truth staring me in my face that I needed to lose weight and it wasn't until over a year later that I got my act together. The real kicker with the license incident was that the photo I had taken at my renewal five years before that horrid picture was the bomb! I mean it looked like a cover photo. My hair looked like I had a fan machine on like how Oprah has on the covers of her mag and I had a nice smile and a much smaller face but that was taken in 2000 when I was much lighter but still needed to lose weight! Talk about night and day. The crazy part was on the double-chin license I list my weight as 40 pounds lighter than what I actually was at the time. Who was I kidding? My face told on me big time. All I can say is I can't wait to take the next one, It's going to be my best pic yet!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Not too good today

I have a head cold and it really has me down today. So much so I came straight home from work and retreated to my bed for rest. Just feeling drained. I had my gym bag packed and ready for the gym but just couldn't make. It must be serious because I miss workouts for nothing and no one. I am feeling better but if I feel like this tomorrow it's straight to the doctor! Otherwise I will be headed for the gym. I must say since I eat better and exercise I am sick less often. It really does wonders for your body when you treat it well. You are also more in tune with your body and can sense something that may be wrong quicker. I also used to suffer from terrible back aches when I was 70 pounds heavier. I actually thought it was related to the epidurals I had with my two children not realizing it was the pounds I was packing on after every birth that was truly the cause. Not to say that weight loss is the cure-all but it can certainly hep with so many things. Well I am keeping this short, still not very energized right now so good night. I am hoping I am back in action tomorrow.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Looking for snacks?

Sometimes it's hard to stay focused because you feel you are eating all the right foods for your meals but you are still hungry in between. I try to eat small meals throughout the day. Remember you have to eat to lose. Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day. You'll have all day to burn it off. I don't mean sausage, eggs, bacon & a triple stack of pancakes either. I meal oatmeal, egg whites, fruits, whole grain breads & things like that. The best way to stay on target is to arm yourself with the right foods for snacks. Always have a bottle of water within reach! Take and apple with you or baby carrots or protein bar. Always something you can easily tote with you and eat if hunger strikes and the only thing near by is the greasy food court. As much as you may want to indulge in the greasy non-nutritive foods, DON'T! It's not worth it and once you fill up on the juicy apple and a few sips of water it won't be so appealing and you'll be happy to go on about your business. If anyone has any tips for snacks please share. Fruit, nuts, veggies, protein or fiber bars are always a win but what else is there? It can get a little boring believe me that is why you have to be creative! It is easier to get more creative in your kitchen but not as easy for something to take on the go. So if you have great to-go snacks or at-home snacks let me know. Keep in mind they should be high in fiber & protein, low in sugar, salt & sodium, nutritious and as natural or organic as possible. That's a tall order to still taste good but they do exist. Avoid processed & go for more natural foods. If you are eating naturally roasted almonds you know that is what you are eating an almond, no fillers, no names you can't pronounce, no salt no sugar no nothing you can't go wrong with a natural food but beware very high in fat! A good fat but moderation is the key for everything!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Great workout!

Spinning was great! I really did enjoy it. I felt I had a good pace going and I was able to keep up. Thanks to 6' & Sexxy for getting me in there bright and early on a Saturday morning! It was packed and fun! It was also a great warm up I was able to do an additional 30 minutes of cardio after about 45 minutes of spinning then on to weights & abs & stretching. Needless to say when I crashed I crashed. I came home to soak my "bikers butt" in the tub...OOHH AHHH it was great. After that nice hot bath I felt totally relaxed. Okay gotta keep this one short getting ready to party tonight. Make comments and write about your new work outs I love to find out about other stuff to try!

Friday, June 19, 2009


If you are anything like me you find it hard to stay focused with your eating on the weekends. lately it seems even harder because of parties and get-togethers. For the most part I do pretty good I am pretty much used to staying away from the really tempting stuff but my sweet tooth seems to be insane since I have turned over a new leaf. I am convinced it was always there but back in the day when I'd rather have a second helping of meat-n-potatoes I never had room for dessert. Now that I am not shoveling in fried foods and bread by the basket full there's room for dessert. Guess what I have it. It may be in the form of a spoonful of my favorite peanut butter or a cookie or maybe even a slice of cake but I chose to have a smaller serving or maybe just a bite to satisfy a craving. 6'& Sexxy sent me a pic today, I think was taken in 2004 at her baby shower. You know the kind of pic I'm speaking of, the candid shot. I laugh when I see 200+lb old photos of myself because I know that chunky girl is gone forever and I don't miss her one bit. When other people see those types of pics of me most say they can't remember me at that size. I think that is so wonderful that chunky girl is fading from minds. I do always however have to acknowledge that she did exist to be sure to never let her take over again.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Family & Friends

I have family and friends who I have tried to enlist on the path of health & fitness. I am sure you do too. I have also tried to instill these good habits in my children. I am sure they will never eat broccoli when they are adults because they eat it every night now. Well it's the only vegetable that I know they will eat, yeah I've tried them all. Yes they eat corn but it's a starch so I don't give it to them too often. Try not to make separate meals. I found myself doing that at first steamed spinach, chicken breast & brown rice maybe for me for dinner and tator tots & cheese sticks for the kids. What kind of sense did that make? Yeah you remembered they won't eat that spinach but they will eat broccoli so I will do that separately not that I don't eat broccoli but I eat pretty much all vegetables so I don't eat broccoli everyday! Sure they still get McDonald's and other "bad for you foods" but it's the exception not the norm which really makes the difference. Try to rub off on everyone around you. I know I try, to the point people hate to see me coming or try to hide what they eat from me like I'm the food police especially at work. I was off one Friday and my whole office actually planned to order pizza because I wasn't there. They are too ashamed to do that kind of thing with me around. I don't know if it's good or bad but I sure found it funny. These are also the same people that got me a case of water and a bag of apples for my birthday when I first started my weight loss journey because they knew I wouldn't want a cake so I think it's a GREAT THING!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Find Support

It is hard enough trying to change your eating habits and trying to exercise regularly and oh by the way your everyday life is stuck in there too. Sometimes you just can't find the motivation you need. If at all possible find a friend or family member for support. You already have support just by being on this blog so if you can find a "buddy" do it by all means. Make sure you chose someone who is fully committed and cannot side track you. It must be someone with the same goals in mind. You will find there are a lot of "fakers" out there. That's not a bad word because they often have good intentions but they are some how temporary in their efforts or breaking all the rules without even knowing it. I am excited the 6' & Sexxy invited me to spin class on Saturday at our gym. I have done the body pump class before and loved it. I like to zone out when I go to the gym because I am on a mission when I'm there. It's so funny to me when I see men or women sitting perfectly still on a piece of gym equipment & have an hour long conversation then get up and leave. How have they supported one another? Do they leave and then tell someone they were at the gym for an hour? Yeah you were there that's about it! Then they wonder why the scale has gone up instead of down! Anyway back to the spinning. I tried spinning once years ago before I even attempted changing my eating habits. I hated it! I say that not because I couldn't breathe, not because my legs were burning, not because every few minutes the instructor said increase the resistance, I say that because of that gosh-darn seat! In spinning you don't sit for long or very often but when you do you want to feel like it's saving your life. Not on those hard narrow I'm sure were invented by men seats!!! Why did I accept the spinning class invitation you may ask? Well why not give it a try again? After all I'm in better shape even though I know it is still going to kick my butt but better yet I can purchase a gel seat to put over those skinny things they call seats to make me feel better. So with that said I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bikini anyone?

I pondered whether or not I would even reveal this but since yesterdays blog and my fantastic feedback I figured what the heck! I bought a bikini this weekend. I am having mixed feeling about it because this is uncharted waters for me. I have worn a bikini before. The year was 1988 and it was a size 12. This of course was a pre-baby body and although I weighed much more then than I do know there were no post baby stretch marks and no kangaroo pouch just pretty much over all roundness and it was cool because I was 18. Well what isn't cool at 18? Now the story is a little different. I vowed I wouldn't wear a bikini now because my stomach is very much my nemeses, torturing me and taunting me because it's the one thing that just won't go away, no matter how many crunches, different ab exercises and so forth, it is a nagging reminder of what I want to leave behind. So I said in yesterdays blog I try to remind myself of my successes with transforming my body and the parts I love, my arms, my legs even my butt! So there I was in the store when I saw this ordinary bikini, not a teeny weeny bikini but a standard bikini top with a fuller bottom. Not a boy short or skirt but the most coverage bottom you can get and still call it a bikini. So I said "Hmmm, this might work!" Well it did work, I wasn't ecstatic over it but I was thrilled at the fact that I didn't want to gag at my image in the mirror so that must be good right? The pattern and the colors aren't anything I would go wild over, my stretch marks were almost completely covered and my kangaroo pouch didn't look like I should be hopping around. Perfect? No, not hardly, something I could work with and give me confidence to work it out and get in the real bikini I want? YES, oh boy YES! Now would I wear thins bikini around anyone I know other than my husband and children? NO! Around strangers on vacation? YES! Good enough! Take pictures in it? No! Well maybe with a sarong or just so I can mill over them for hours to see what I need to work on. Now the question is do I want to take this bikini to Miami? The land of the perfect hard body? Do I shatter the confidence I have built up by even purchasing these two patches of fabric? Seeing a tanned perfect body, 26 inch waist having, perfect boob (fake or real) beach body goddess just might be enough to send me packing! Pray for me! I am going to hold my head high and say, "I am fabulous!"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Feeling fat today...

Do you ever say this? I do all the time and it's the worst thing you can do to yourself! I was feeling rather chunky today so I purposely wore a form fitting dress to prove to myself I wasn't. It didn't work I felt a little self-conscious. Some days are like this as we all know. The turning point for me was when a petite co-worker who always praises my weight loss asked me if my dress was a size 2! It was like striking gold. Eureka! I felt a wave of self-confidence that was extraordinary. I had to laugh knowing full well she was exaggerating with her question but the point was she was commenting on how small I looked to her. Self-doubt is so incredible and we are our own worst enemies. We can often be so critical of ourselves and see the slightest flaws that all the free world would over look. Why not just get dressed in the morning, give yourself a once over and say "I look great?" Too much like right! I guess we look for flaws, bulges, imperfections. This is especially hard when you are trying to lose weight or have lost weight and your mind can't grasp a new image. No matter how hard I tried I see the same 200+ pound person in the mirror and am always amazed when small sizes fit me and think the smallest bite of a "no-n0" food will pack all the weight I've lost back on my body instantly. For the longest time the only change I saw as I was losing weight was that my clothes were falling off, my sizes were decreasing and I looked smaller in pictures. I absolutely could not see it in the mirror. Sometimes I still have my doubts when I look in the mirror but I have to remind myself to relish in my victory of conquering the fat me once and for all and not to have a feeling fat day!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Get Movin'!

Don't let other influences dictate as to whether or not you'll get your exercise in. If you don't belong to a gym no big deal. Go for a brisk walk or jog outside. It's the perfect season to get in some fresh air. If it's raining out turn your house into a gym. Start with walking up and down your stairs getting your heart rate up, turn that into a jog up and down the stairs. Do squats in the middle of the floor and knee bend lunges. Invest in some hand weights and even ankle weights. Hand weights are great to use while you are catching up on your TIVO or waiting for your dinner to cook. Ankle and or wrist weights are great to wear while vacuuming or doing weekend chores. Make the most of every movement you make. Exercise doesn't mean you have to go for a 5k run or to the gym everyday. It means making the most of what could be routine or everyday things but making it work for your body. Don't ever say you don't have the time. We all find the time to do what we want, if YOU don't make the time for YOU who will?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Spread the news

I have had many people tell me they enjoy the blog, they have passed it to others and read it daily but my comments are nonexistent these days. I have to remember that weight loss is often a private struggle. Many people don't want to admit that they have a food addiction or trouble with how to pick the right foods. They also don't want to admit they have clothes in their closet that they have been saying for years that they are going to "get back in" or they'd rather buy every diet pill & miracle machine on infomercials instead of eating right and exercising. It takes major courage to share your struggles, trust me I know but believe me you are not alone.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today's fitness tip

Surround yourself with people and things that remind you to live a healthy lifestyle! Positive influences weigh heavy in any aspect of your life but are extraordinary when trying change your body and eating habits. This includes people who know what you are trying to accomplish and people who are supportive with words, gestures and encouragement. However, many people, friends and family can sabotage your plan. Oftentimes they are well-meaning and say all the right things but their actions may tell a different story. Don't shut out family and friends but explain to the ones who may contribute to you being side tracked how important your goal is to you and that any support they could lend will be a lifesaver...literally.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How important is food to you?

Where is food on your priority list? If it's at the top you may be a food junkie! I've learned not to center everything around food. Graduations=food, Anniversaries=food, Birthdays= food, Good news=food, Bad news =food...well guess you get the message. We are social creatures and food is enjoyable and that's why it seeps into every part of our lives. Even when you die there's a REPAST, but that's one meal you won't have. Okay enough of my attempt at humor. All I am saying here is when you are struggling to lose weight and wonder why the pounds aren't falling off think about your social life. How many slices of birthday cake have you had this week, how many office meetings have you been to where you didn't pass on the donuts, or gone to the movies and dove in the the heart attack in a bucket they call popcorn? You must consider every morsel you put in your mouth. If you are like me and always had to dig into the kids Happy Meal fries or finish off the few bites they left behind but think you are on track you are fooling yourself. The best thing to do when you don't realize what you are eating during the course of a day is to start a food journal. Carry a small spiral notebook in your purse, back pocket, car, desk drawer. Basically have it everywhere you go and write down every meal and snack. This will help you see the time of day you may tend to pig out or if you are skipping meals which of course will just make you over eat when you do get a chance to eat. Try it for a couple of days and then evaluate what you have written & make the necessary changes in your diet.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let's try this again...

Success! After meeting my weight loss goal almost two years ago fear set in. Now what? How do I maintain what I worked 13 months to accomplish? It was overwhelming. I knew I could never go back to my old eating habits and luckily I didn't want to. No turning back for the kid! But how do I work out at the gym and not burn 1,200 calories. I had been eating and exercising all this time to lose weight. How do you eat and exercise to maintain? Gradually I added back slightly more carbs & cut back the intensity of my work outs. I was never much of a calorie counter I just made sure I had a good balance of fruits, veggies, good carbs (starches), good fat & protein. Always remember once you have made it to your weight loss goal all your planning and efforts with your "diet" much be followed with just as much if not more planning and effort to maintain the weight you worked do hard for.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Sometimes you just don't have it in you. When it's easier to skip dinner because your day was stressful or skip your workout because you don't know where you'll find the strength. You aren't alone! PLAN,PLAN, PLAN! Let's face it who knows you better than you do? You know what drives you and you know what makes you through in the towel. Prepare for these moments because trust me they will come. Often it's when you're "new" to your healthy eating and weight loss plan or working out. We all bust out the gate with the finish line in mind but as the days go by to momentum slows and that little "devil" called discouraging thoughts and hunger pains set in. Prepare yourself by keeping healthy snacks at hand, always have your water and unless somebody is in the emergency room get your work out in!!!! Also write yourself positive notes and day dream about your shopping spree when you drop the pounds. Stay motivated! Stay focused!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Get the most out of your workouts!

Do you cringe when you hear the word exercise? Well maybe you do if you haven't made it fun or if you look at it like it's a chore. A workout doesn't always have to be in the gym either. Jog your neighborhood or bike a trail. Take your kids to the playground and kick around a soccer ball. Get moving and get your heart rate up. Always get in an exercise that raises your heart rate even if you stand in the mirror and just raise your arms over your head while you bend your knees this is a great start. If you do go to a gym, don't let the equipment intimidate you! Ask for assistance, most of the machines are really easy but can look like a medieval torture device and well most are but once you get the hang of it you'll yearn for more!


How on earth do you stay on track in a social situation? With alcohol, sweet & tangy finger foods and other spawn of the devil goodies spread out for the taking how on earth do you keep it together? Well the answer is LIMITS & MODERATION. Often when I know I am going into a temping eating environment I'll eat first. If you walk in the door hungry you'll almost certainly be doomed. Also "No Thank You" works wonders too. You don't have to eat what is offered to you. Yes I know easier said than done but when looking at the tempting goodies say to yourself "I love me more than those mini pastry puffs" positive thoughts almost always works. Have one drink maybe two and opt for wine if it is available it's lower in carbs! Remember if you do indulge plan and extra 15 minutes to your work out the next day. There needs to be a balance. The point is you want to live and you don't want to feel like your health and fitness is a chore! It just has to be an effort. Just think you are doing it for you! What better reason do you need!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Good Evening All,
We all have cravings! Some days seems like we have them all day and other days you're fine staying focused and staying away from the "bad" stuff. When you crave something, have it! Just have a fraction of the amount that you are used to having. This satisfies your craving without busting your plan! Today I was at work in the afternoon and I really wanted something to munch on but satisfying. Knowing full well I had my stash of baby carrots but looking at them in my desk drawer just wasn't doing it for me! I asked a co-worker (bka Big Sexy) to go with me to the snack bar. I really wanted her to go because I knew I wouldn't buy anything totally crazy because I had a "witness"! Remember most people go off course when they are alone! Who's going to see them go through the drive-thru or down a box of cookies or polish off a bag of chips? If you are craving something and you can have a "witness" with you, it is more than likely you won't make a pig of yourself. I grabbed the little 4 pack of Lorna Doones and that warm feeling came or me just like I used to have in Pre-school when they gave us 2 Lorna Doones and a Dixie cup of OJ. Wow those were the days. Now if we all had that size portion we could have Lorna Doones everyday! So I was happy with my 4 pack of those perfect little golden shortbread cookies and headed for the register. I asked her if she wanted something since she took the walk with me and she grabbed a sugary carb-ladened drink, then changed her mind and got a fresh glistening pear instead! I was ecstatic I wanted to jump up and down because I know her eating habits and I thought if I weren't with her maybe she would have grabbed some chips or soda! Score!!! Every choice counts. Remember you always have a choice. You decide every morsel of food that passes your lips. Stop blind eating and eating just because the food is in front of you make a conscious decision about what you eat. I did about the cookies and she did about the pear. I know I can't buy a box of Lorna Doones from the grocery store because I'd know they are there and I'd keep returning but I can buy a little 4 pack every so often and satisfy my craving!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My heart feels good today!

Good Morning All,
I am so excited today for all of the positive feedback I have been receiving about this blog. I feel the energy and it's all good. A co-worker of mine told me this morning that she was so inspired by my blog that she has started back on her exercise plan. I couldn't be happier, she says that she feels better already. Also a former schoolmate contacted me and told me that the Bible scripture posted on yesterday's blog was so inspirational to her that she felt the need to share it with another family member. My heart is filled with happiness and I pray that you all can take one step today in your battle for weight loss and healthy living. Act as if your life depends on it...because it does!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Bathroom scale

Are you obsessing over the scale? Don't! If you want to weigh yourself do it only once a week around the same time of day and on the same scale! If you weigh yourself daily you'll find that your weight will fluctuate greatly. This is not true weight loss or gain and will really give you an emotional roller coaster ride so don't bother. Weigh just once a week for real results!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Hello All,
I am so excited about my blog and even more excited that you are too. I hope to post some kind of daily tips starting soon so be sure to check back. Also I have made my settings so that anyone can post, you may find that you are being listed as annonymous if you aren't a member but if of course you want to be identified you can add you name at the end of the text! I have heard from several of you over the past several weeks that you started out well and have fallen off and back into you bad habits. Just know that you can start again at any time. The smallest changes can make the biggest difference in your body. A friend told me just this morning that she has stopped drinking sodas! This is major, that alone will cut the pounds! Just replace those sugary non-nutritious drinks with water and juices not from concentrate and you're good to go. Start moving today! It's a gorgeous day. Get outside, go for a walk, play with your kids, do anything but go home and crash! Stay active and your body with thank you. Start slow so you won't burn out and keep your eyes on the prize!

My first blog!

Good Morning All, I finally did it! I am asked all the time for tips and advice on eating and exercising so I have started this blog to do just that. Afterall there is enough thin to go around for us all to have our fair share. Please join me in posting questions, comments or anything you may be feeling about your success and or failures when it come to the ULITIMATE prize...You! There is nothing more precious than our bodies and our bodies reward us with health and good living when we treat them with love and care. That means fueling them with healthy food and giving them the exercise our hearts crave to keep us living and feeling great!