Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday time!

Okay I know don't panic! If you are anything like me you have tons of holiday parties to attend and that means booze and food and both can blow your healthy lifestyle right out of the water. I've got three words for you! PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! It's the only way to keep you sane and from overindulging in all the goodies! I recently stopped drinking completely for 21 whole days! I was so proud of myself and it showed on the scale. Alcohol can have a low calorie count by itself but when you start mixing with sugary mixes and sodas watch out! I've never been one for fruity drinks but if you are mix with diet colas or natural lime juice. Also go for wine it packs a punch and so much better for you than say a beer or God forbid calorie ladened egg nog! What I have to watch out for is the munchies when I drink so get rid of the tortilla chips and other not so good for you choices. Try hard cheese and reduced fat crackers, almonds or edamame or some veggies. Raw asparagus and slices of yellow or red peppers are my favorites. Plan ahead before a holiday party by drinking plenty of water and maybe eating an apple on the way! Never go hungry or you are defeated before you even start. Grab the dessert size plates instead of the dinner plates and fill up on veggies and lean proteins. Stay away from the desserts and starchy rich foods. Focus on the conversation or atmosphere instead of the buffet and I guarantee you that you wont't miss out on a thing! Cheers!