Friday, December 31, 2010

As 2010 comes to an end...

Just a few hours left in 2010. This day usually brings reflections on the past year and optimism of the New Year. If you are like 99.99% of America you are probably thinking about what you want to change about yourself when the clock strikes midnight. Well let's think in terms of modifications or improvements but not change. You are who you are in every way, shape and form and more than likely nothing about you will change. The good news is there is always room for improvement. As I look to 2011 my fitness goals are to have a stronger more fit body! I'm really excited as I am always looking to try something new fitness wise and my new bestie is my weight vest! Wow and when I say those pounds on my back make all the difference in the world with my workout...gee sweating harder, breathing harder and boy does my body feel it but I love every minute of it! I will certainly let you know as I continue my journey to become stronger. So as you move into 2011 make your fitness and healthy eating goals realistic. Don't expect things to happen over night because they won't! But if you are consistent and committed it WILL happen! Good luck...CHEERS!

Monday, December 13, 2010

The best gifts don't come in boxes or bags...

I'm excited! For a number of reasons, it's my favorite time of year...I have an anniversary coming up, Christmas is right around the corner, a New Year will be arriving soon followed by my birthday, the list goes on. I'm feeling blessed and thankful for the people I have around me. I'm hoping I can encourage others this Christmas season to give the gift of health and fitness to themselves. It's not on sale because it doesn't have a price, it won't be too small or too big because it will fit your body just right, it doesn't expire, spoil or rot and it will never go out of style because it's you... only better!

So I'm making my list and checking it twice... not of gifts but of fitness goal. What about you?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gobble Gobble

I don't have to tell you what time of year it is! Thanksgiving is a week away. If you haven't already, make your plans for a healthy and leaner you today! Don't wait until you have to pop open your pants at Thanksgiving. I have heard it a dozen times in the last few weeks. People claiming to start or get back on track after the holidays or after Thanksgiving. Don't be one of those people! Plan to have a lean meal for Thanksgiving. Don't pile your plate high and then go back for seconds and then dessert later. Don't take home leftovers or if you are hosting ask your guest to clean you out of the fattening and high carb stuff while you hold tight to the turkey and fresh green veggies. Don't cook you greens in salted meats you are defeating the purpose. A lot of people make them with smoked this is not a healthy option, you still have tons of sodium in smoked and cured meats of any kind. Skip the rolls, pass on the gravy. Take a tablespoon of mac & cheese or mashed potatoes instead of two heaping spoon fulls. Nope it's nothing cruel about it. You will thank yourself in the end. You won't feel miserable either from being so full. Pass on the soda and over sweetened punch. Reach for good-for-you water! Try fruit salad for dessert made with fresh fruit and fat free whipped cream instead of sweet potato pies and cakes with globs of icing. Make it a meal to truly be THANKFUL for not one that your body will regret!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Here I go again!

Just when I thought my workouts couldn't get any better, I have messed around and found another high! Belly dancing! Can I just tell you what a fabulous time I had? Well before I do as you all know I always blog about looking for new workout, trying something new, blah blah blah. Well recently I have been on this "Check out other gyms" kick. There are several gyms in my area and I have been a faithful member to my local Gold's since 2007 but "Hey you get bored." Well at least I do. Yes I change up my workouts, try some classes but the scene is still the same. So a few weeks ago I checked out LA Fitness. Well I watched this place being built last year and honestly I thought they were building a Target. The place is huge! I mean huge! However I was not impressed. It was just drab looking and not very inviting. I did, however do a spin class there that was very on point. As you all know I am a spin junkie! I even liked the bikes they had and the instructor was awesome. Didn't care for the tunes but the workout was worth it and my instructor sounded just like Karen Walker! LOL Anyone who is a Will & Grace fan knows who Karen Walker is! LOL!!! Anyway the LA Fitness was a little cheesy and their guest pass was only for 3 days! But it's all good it was free. So a friend of mine just recently joined SPORT FIT and of course I said I wanted a guest pass. This one is good for a week and I went for the first time on Wednesday night and ran like the wind on one of their state-of-the-art treadmills that charges your IPOD while you play it! Big plus! Anyway couldn't wait to get there today for the Belly Sculpt class. The instructor is who took me on the tour when I got the guest pass and she is walking motivation. She practiced law for 10 years before she made the choice to shed the weight and take on a healthy lifestyle now she teaches a little of everything and does outreach on fitness and health and I was just in awe! So the class was great, the music was great and she even had some extra sashes. I am sure that's not what they are called but you know the scarves the belly dances wear with the little coins that jingle. I bounced my hips and dropped it like it was hot and waved my arms, and rolled my mid-section like my life depended on it! It was both calming and thrilling, sensual and erotic, powerful and empowering! Folks were sweating, I was dry as a bone (you know it takes a lot for me to sweat) but I was soooo into it! I felt energized and even ran 3 miles on the treadmill when I was done! Anyway as I sit here sipping on my wine and winding down from this experience I think to myself: "What's next?"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Energized and Focused!

Those who know me know that I despise Fall & Winter and I think it's gotten worse for me over the years. I know that some people are actually treated with light therapy to combat the feelings that the dreariness of these seasons can bring. Although my bright summer sunshiney days are now gone I find the joy of exercise brings me an internal sunshine. There really is something to this endorphine thing, it's great! Fall and Winter is also a hard time to stay focused because of the holidays and covering up with sweaters and coats. NOPE NOPE NOPE! Don't fall into the trap make these seasons the time you work on your body and health the most and then BAMM break out that rockin' bod in the Spring! Did I really just type BAMM? LOL I should be getting a cut from Emeril! Nonetheless, here I am feeling relaxed after having had a great workout, updating my blog and feeling good. Since my last entry I have run another race. The Bowie 5K Run for a Cause on October 9th! Not only was it great because it was at the park right across the street from my house but I also included my kids. Hubby ran with me of course, my son was there for support (too cool to run I guess) and my daughter did the FUN RUN for kids and she ran her little heart out I was so proud. 5K is 3.1 miles and I ran it in about 32 minutes. I have not received my official time yet. Of course I have already registered for my next race the NFL 5K at the National Harbor on November 13th. I'm excited but sad too because I'm hooked and I know this will be my last race until the Spring now that it's getting colder. If anyone is interested in registering for the race go to Get motivated! Get moving!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I cannot explain how encouraged, motivated and pumped running my first 5 Mile race made me feel. I am still flying high and just recently signed me and hubby up to run in a 5K race (3.1 miles) just across the street from our home! I have officially been bitten by the bug. I already knew I was an exercise junkie but now a running junkie? Who knew? Not me I would have bet against it! And seeing that clock when I came across the finish line was so exhilarating and surreal. My official time for running those 5 files was 57 minutes and 13 seconds. I am going to have to play that number! The best part was that when I finished I was so thrilled I could have kept going! I felt wonderful. I smiled through the whole race pony tail swing for 5 miles (as my cuz said) it was the best! I posted my pics on Facebook and the outpouring of support and love was just unreal. So many people were inspired and said that they were going to start moving even if it was walking! I was so excited by that! It's what I tell everybody...just start moving and build it up. I always tell people don't go hard at first! That is what loses people they start out gung-ho like a maniac and are burnt out in a week. START SLOW, let it progress and build. You will feel the difference in your body, your energy, your strength, your sleep, everything! All for the better and that good feeling will make you want more. Just get it started and pay it forward!

Friday, September 17, 2010

1450 My new favorite number!

Hello All, I've been slacking all summer with my postings but I am planning to step it up for the FALL! I want to continue to inspire others and I want you all to continue to inspire me! Please share this blog with whomever you think will benefit! Anyway you may be wondering why 1450 is my new favorite number. Well it's my bib number I am wearing in my first 5 mile race next Saturday! I am beyound excited. Since taking up running I actually sweat! It's the greatest and worst thing ever! It's so weird. It's great because I feel like I'm working because I see the sweat but it's bad because after the sweat drips down my back it pools in between my legs and I look like I peed on myself! LOL Nonetheless it's great and thank GOD for pony tails! I'm running the race with my very supportive husband and cousin who have been with me all the way through my journey and have made significant weight loss stides of their own. I'm so proud of both of them. I plan on posting pics from the race so stay tuned. I also want to jazz up my blog some it's pretty dry, add some other things to the page and see what happens! The days are getting chillier and don't let your motivation slack! Wearing more clothes and coats can be the enemy to someone trying to shed weight because they are covering up more. I'm kind of all over the place with this post so I think I better stop now. Feedback is always appreciated. STAY FIT! SMOOCHEZ!

Friday, July 2, 2010

I miss my bloggers

Wow, I realized that I haven't posted in over a month! Well I've been busy, the hot, hot summer is breezing by and I have been loving it. The last few days has brought spring-like weather and I have been enjoying my evening runs. Even after walking SIX FLAGS all day with kids yesterday I couldn't resist going for a run when I got home. The good thing is hubby runs with me most of the time and it is showing on him, he is shedding some pounds. What have you been doing with your summer? I hope making changes that aid in a healthy lifestyle, moving your body and shedding the pounds you have been saying you are gonna take off every summer! Well start now! If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Start slow...take baby steps. We always get pumped and try to go hard with the exercising or start eating like a bird then you wonder why you are tired and burned out and just give up. Take it slow, start with eating what you have been eating but less of it, then maybe hold the cheese or eliminate the juice and drink water with your meal. Make the small changes first and ease yourself into a rountine of making choices. Plan ahead! Always have something healthy to eat with you so you are never hungry and keep your motabolism up by eating a small snack every few hours. Give up processed, pre-packaged and canned foods, these are loaded with sodium and unnatural additives, yuck! Don't give in to the office donuts or eat the ribs at the 4th of July cookout just because they are there. Tell yourself you love yourself more than the hunk of cake and walk away then pat yourself on the back and not give a flying freak who sees you! LOL! Try it!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I haven't been updating as much as I would like and I'm gonna do better. I hope you all are getting fit and healthy. Summer is right around the corner with Memorial Day this weekend. Anyway you all know I am always looking for a new fitness challenge and I have found one! I have discovered I love to run and when I say love it I mean love it and I am craving it more and more. I feel that I have found my pace and comfort zone in it and the total relaxation I feel when I'm done is unreal. My only fear is future joint and knee problems I've heard such horror stories. I don't particularly like running on a treadmill but I will but I really enjoy running outdoors. I've been doing 3 miles almost daily for the past few week and get disappointed when I can't squeeze it in. I of course still love my gym routines but I just wanted to switch it up a little. When I finished my spin class on Monday I immediately hopped on the treadmill and started running. My instructor came over and he said he must not have done his job! I laughed and said I was just "Cooling down" which I was really I only did a mile!

Anyway on another note. I have been blogging for almost a year now and I am a little surprised that most of my friends and family aren't followers. Hmmm, I'll just leave it at that. Bye for now happy fitness!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

If you are anything like me you focus on the parts of your body you don't like rather than focusing on the parts you do like and what you can enhance. Well no more! As I have said before we are our own worst critics and tend to see things no one else will ever notice. The next time you look at yourself find something you love about yourself. Find one area you think is smoking hot and find a way to enhance it, to bring it out and make you feel even better. Believe it or not this will have a positive effect on the areas you consider negative. Try it and let me know how it works out for you!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Checkin' In

I am glad some of you have been checking in with me and letting me know how you are doing both by this blog and phones calls. Stay encouraged and don't give up, don't let one bad habit day deter you from your overall goal. Keep it up and pass the blog address on to friends and family we all need to be healthy first and foremost and everything else will fall into place!

Monday, March 29, 2010

When do you say enough is enough?

Well we are headed into April, Spring is here and some of you are still saying to me that you are going to get started! What are you waiting for? If I've said it once I've said it a million times..."Let today be the day you start on the new healthy you!" Why not? I know it's hard! Yeah, I never said it wasn't but it's soooo worth it. Find a program that works for you. It may take a little trial and error but in the end when you find that perfect fit you will sail toward your goals! Make a list of what you want to accomplish and include personal goals. Your weight may also be holding you back at work, in your love life and other areas. Weight, self-esteem, and overall health can hold you back from a world just waiting for you to explore. So I don't if any of you watch Ruby on the STYLE network but I love this reality show because Ruby keeps it real. She is struggling with her weight loss but continues to work past obstacles. This woman was 719 pounds now she is 318. She has a ways to go but look at how far she has come and extending her life in the process. She is eager to get under 300 pounds because she hasn't been less than 300 pounds since she was 15 years old. On last nights episode her therapist suggested she change or eliminate 5 things out of her life that may be holding her back from meeting her weight loss goals. Some of the things she eliminated was diet soda, changing her exercise workout, getting rid of a huge chair that was like a love-seat that she had when she was 700+ pounds and getting a new smaller chair, putting mirrors around her house at waist level where she would sit or walk by so she was always reminded of what she needed to work on! So I thought, what do I want to change? First I had to think of what my real goal is and since it isn't to lose weight I really want to tone and strengthen. I want a killer body this summer! This is week 5 for me for exercise restriction so I am planning hard because next Monday April 6th, I am going to be training as if I'm headed for the Olympics. So the first thing I'm going to do is plan. Lack of planning is a disaster waiting to happen when it comes to weight loss or getting fit because there are so many things that can throw you off track. Also I am going to eliminate negative energy and self-doubt. You gotta believe in you, if you don't who will? Next I want to explore some new forms of exercise. I have also been watching Kirstie Alley's Big life and her trainer was showing her some serious moves! I have to try them as well as I think I'm going to take up running! Let me tell you I hate to run, but I feel so great after it. I love every other form of exercise I don't know why the running thing doesn't work for me but I'm going to make it work. OKAY who's in? What changes are you going to make to achieve your goals?

Monday, March 15, 2010

What to do when you can't do!

So I had a surgery 3 weeks ago and not being able to workout is totally driving me bonkers. I thought I would enjoy this time to just heal and recuperate but I am as antsy as ever. Fortunately I have been able to go to the gym and walk the treadmill but it is really such a tease. I want to feel the burn! 3 more weeks before I get the all clear to go hard again. It's gonna be like I'm training for the Olympics! I can't wait! So what can you do when exercising is restricted? Well the best thing of course would be to follow doctors orders. I was told walking would be good for me so that is what I have been doing. But I can't do any heavy lifting so I have been lifting 2 pound dumbbells which feels like nothing but it actually does help keep you tone in downtime. Make sure you know your limits and if you feel pain or distress in any way stop! When I first started walking again I could barely do 30 minutes and boy was I was sore but I am gaining some stamina I'm up to an hour and I have quickened my pace, still cautious not to over do it. Also when you can't do much physical activity keep your mind busy. Meditate and ponder. The worse thing you could do is get bored and start eating mindlessly. Be sure to be especially cautious of portions and your food intake. Especially if your workouts are restricted because you don't want to add any extra weight. Spring is next Saturday! You know what that means, time to put away the bulky sweaters and the true signs of what you have been doing all winter will be reflected in the short sleeve and thinner clothing! Are you ready?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

In Your Own Time

Sometimes we can talk until we are blue in the face trying to encourage others to get healthy and fit! I have learned to shut my mouth! The truth is no one is going to take the steps they need for themselves until they are ready. The best we can do is offer support and words of encouragement and hope it's enough to steer them in the right direction. This blog is without a doubt a release for me regarding my struggles with maintaining my overall healthy lifestyle. Since I have been successful in doing so it must be working! Keep the comments coming! Invite friends to be followers and stick with your program. Remember you are getting thin in 2010!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feeling Good!

So here we are in the second month of 2010! I'm feeling good. I am still on target with my goals but of course I need more motivation! The weather has been a total bummer. Snow just keeps falling out of the sky and I just wish I had a penny for every flake, I'd be a billionaire but nontheless I will press forward, dreaming of the day to peel off all of these layers of clothes for Spring and Summer so I know I gotta keep it right and keep it tight. This is the time when we give up on oursleves because the days are short and cold and we're bundled up but that pizza you had today will still be there when those layers come off if you don't do something about it today! Say to yourself that you feel goos and I know you want to look good to match that feeling so get moving...March 20th is the first day of SPRING!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Feeling good today as I celebrate my 38th birthday! Feeling fit and feeling healthy is there any other way to be? The best part is I finally got to get rid of the fat faced girl that has been haunting me on my driver's license since 2005. It expired this year and I took a new picture with a new weight! I can't tell you how happy I was skipping out of the MVA last week it was wonderful. Especially because I remember going to my car and crying five years ago after I saw that horrible fat-faced picture I took in 2005. I think what made it so bad was because the one I took in 2000 looked like a photo shoot and I just assumed when I took one in '05 it would be the same. Little did I realize the weight I had gained during that time would show so much I would have at least prepared myself. There was no preparation for the truth staring me in the face. Nonetheless I lived with that photo for 5 long years and happy to seen it banished for eternity!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What is it with 10 pounds?

Well I want to lose 10 pounds! Mainly because it gives me a comfort zone. I usually fluctuate 5 pounds up or 5 pounds down from my original goal weight but I figure if I lost 10 pounds that would give me the wiggle room where I won't freak out over the scale. The scale can be a scary thing as I am sure you know. I don't know why I'm obsessed with the numbers. These 10 pounds are probably going to be the hardest! I think because I'm telling myself it's just 10 pounds so I have to make it monumental and go with it with the same gusto I did for my original weight loss! I love maintaining and I feel great but as I've blogged about before we are our own worst critics. So I have a really close friend who lost a lot of weight around the same time I did. As we talked today she said she has gained about 10 pounds and it was really dragging her down. We are both struggling to get back into our size 4's!!! So we are going to encourage each other. I could really get it off in 2 weeks but I want it to be slow so it will stay off. I'm thinking 6 weeks!!! So she was headed to the grocery store and I mentioned a few must haves for her list and reminded her to eat plenty of naturally fiberous foods like fresh fruits & veggies. She invited me to HOT YOGA. I thought "Wow, what's that?" It's basically a yoga class done in a really hot room. Loosens you up and gets you sweating! Well since I don't sweat I'm eager to see if it works! I am down! I love to try any new type of exercise! Would anyone care to join me on the ten pound challenge? Even if you have to lose more you can always lose 10 pounds at a time right! I'm still on a mission for my bikini ready stomach, been crunching and doing ab exercising like crazy and I can slowly see a change.

So as I'm sitting here typing and watching the Food Network, looking at these women's backsides busting out their pants and the rolls on their arms as they prepare their slow cooked spare ribs, pasta salad and tiramisu I am reminded why I blog, why portion control is sooooo important and why I exercise regularly!!!! Whew thanks Neely's! Wow!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Good Things Do Come in Small Packages

So I thought to myself "I need a goal for 2010." Well last year it was to wear a bikini which I did, however I didn't feel too confident but still was happy nonetheless, I think stretch marks across my stomach from having babies were more of a woe to me than the small pouch left behind from having them. Well nothing works for the stretch marks I can attest to this but damn this pouch to hell!!!! So I am cruising Victoria's Secret on-line the other day looking for yet another fabulous bikini. I think I'll purchase a new one every year. So I found a really cute solid black string bikini! Bingo had my name all over it. Well it arrived today! As I swallowed hard opening the package I prepared myself mentally for tears when I tried it on. I ordered a medium to make sure hips and boobs were covered enough that I wouldn't get arrested. I told myself that if it's too small or looks crazy just send it back and it's no big deal. Well I don't know if it was the lighting in my bedroom or maybe it's time for an eye exam but it looked good!!! Not great but overall I was ecstatic and even more excited about getting this stomach of mine as tight as possible by the summer. Score one for Alethea! Whoppie! Now the big question is who is going to join me on this bikini challenge? I hope I have some takers. A certain blog follower called me today and said she was getting back on track I hope she joins me in this challenge. We shall see!

Find some motivation! The new season of the Biggest Loser starts tonight on NBC @ 8pm, subscribe to Shape & or Fitness Magazine. I love Women's Health magazine as well. Surround yourself with positive people and set your goals small. If you make it through one day you have been successful!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

No More Excuses!

So it's January 3, 2010 and are you still wrestling with the excuses you've made that are keeping you from getting fit and healthy? If you are, you aren't alone but it is time to ditch those excuses. We make room for everything in our lives. For family and work and running errands and everyday tasks. Fit in an exercise routine too. I used to think I would never have time to go to to gym. Now I can't imagine not having time for it. It is so much a part of me now. This is year three for me now going at least 3 days a week. I'm not talking about for a few months, or skipping during bad weather, or not going when the kids are on school break. I am talking about I have gone to the gym at least 3 days a week since I started going three years ago. Even on vacations. I'm amazed at that just typing it! I don't let bad weather stand in the way! I don't let work stand in the way! I don't even let illness stand in way! Thank GOD I haven't had anything more than a cold in these last three years and even then the heavy breathing of exercising always cleared my head right up. Even when I had my tubes tied in '07 the first thing I did was ask my doctor how soon I could get back in the gym. When she told me as soon as I felt like it that was all she wrote. I played it by ear because I didn't want to risk injuring myself but within a few days I was back in the gym. Taking it slow of course but I am also sure it aided in the healing process. I am still amazed at the fact of how your body responds to how you treat it. You take care of it and it will take care of you and I mean gladly! With energy and a feeling of restfulness. Not many people in the world can wake up in the morning feeling great and I can honestly say that I do because of the dedication I have made to myself. Try it! You'll like it!!!! By the way this posting was inspired by someone who needs a push. I consider this a kick! LOL