Thursday, June 23, 2011

Your skinny Jeans aren't getting any bigger...

I am a clothes fanatic! I love to shop and my taste in fashion is very distinct. Now that I have a body that I love and I treat right and in return treats me right right, I wear pretty much whatever I want to and it's a great feeling! There was a time when a dressing room mirror would send me home in tears mocking me the whole way. Not any more and never again! Some people equate their goals in inches versus pounds and that is fine, whatever works for you. I did both. When there were times the scale didn't move but the pants I wore last week could no longer stay up with a safety pin I counted that as success! Do whatever you have to do to stay motivated. If the scale isn't treating you right, buy a goal piece of clothing. Something that may be a little too snug now or you see too much of a bulge in but with time eating right and exercising you know one day will fit you like a glove! Keep it hanging right in sight, don't put it in the back of the closet because you can't wear it right now! Hang it in your bathroom or on your bedroom door as a reminder of the near future and what you want. It's not impossible and it WILL happen. Once I started losing weight and got to the point where clothes weren't fitting anymore I started buying clothes at least two sizes down thinking there is no way this is ever going to fit and then when those clothes got too big I just laughed and kept on shopping! Let me tell you it's the best feeling in the world! Get that bathing suit, those skinny jeans, that cute dress, whatever it is you want, get moving and get out of your own way!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I won't know if you skip your workout...but you will!

Accountability! Yeah yeah I know you have heard that word a dozen or more times as it applies to almost everything we do in our lives but it means the most when it comes to your health and lifestyle. I like that word because we tend to lie to ourselves and make deals and then wonder why the scale isn't moving or that nemesis of a fat roll is still there when we look in the mirror. The bottom line is you have to stop the excuses and for goodness sakes stop putting off to tomorrow what you can do today! You have to be consistent to see results period! You can't go hard for a week and expect to reach your goal and go back to your bad habits. Also you gotta make it hurt. I know you have heard "NO PAIN NO GAIN" well believe it or not it's true. Don't make your workout "comfortable" if it's easy or relaxing WHILE you are doing it, you aren't working hard enough. Sure any movement is good for the body but for real results push yourself, you'll be pleased you can thank me later! BTW so many of you have and I really appreciate it and I am happy to offer my sometimes crass opinions. I love it! Stay moving and get motivated!