Monday, February 6, 2012

Motivation can come from anywhere

I feel really happy I ran into a co-worker today who told me she had recently started an early morning boot camp and how much better she felt already. She was concerned about being on high blood pressure medicine and high cholestoral medicine but she knows with a lifestyle change those prescription medications will be a thing of the past. She was very encouraged by me from knowing me before and after. It really did make my day because I wasn't feeling very encouraged today. Now I'm at 100! Feeling positive and thinking about my gym bag sitting in my trunk and how I can't wait to get to the gym this evening. Comments and praise help me keep things in perspective! My success reaches far and wide and it has not only benefitted me but it has benefitted others as well. I told another friend the other day who was feeling a little discouraged not to look at her workouts as a punishment but as a reward and all that she will recieve from it. I couldn't wait to get to the gym yesterday during the Super Bowl, I practically had the place to myself! It was great I was all over the place just in my zone. Focus on the results, set small goals and work it out! It feels great!