Monday, August 31, 2009

Where are my followers?

It's been a while since I've blogged because my comments are slipping but I know that can't stop me because blogging keeps me motivated. Well nothing much has changed I am still doing my thing and always looking for new tips on healthy eating and exercise. I am also trying to get family members and friends back on track. I always say you can always start again just don't give up. It's hard and it takes dedication and focus and you can always use a helping hand. Find a buddy a family member or something to jump start your routine and support to make it last!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Make Sure You're Happy

Have you completed your goals? Are you on target with your goals? If not ask yourself why and make the lifestyle adjustment you need to make. Can you look back at this summer and say you have shed those unwanted pounds or have you packed on more? You know as the temperatures drops its likely the pounds won't so you must prepare yourself now. School is about to start and you know what that means, the holidays are right around the corner and food, food, food comes right along with it. What are you going to do to prevent the temptation of it all? Set your plan in motion now so by the time the holidays roll around you'll be happily on your way to the new you!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

read your labels

Don't let fancy packaging fool you! You have to read ingredient labels very care carefully! Many foods that shout FAT-FREE on the box are loaded with sugar and/or sodium. Remember fat adds flavor without fat the flavor has to come from somewhere right?! Fat in foods is not your only enemy you have to watch the sodium and the sugars too. Remember sugar doesn't read as sugar on a label all the time, it can read cane syrup, high fructose corn syrup and a myriad of other items I can't even spell! Sugar substitutes and diet sodas should be consumed in small quantities as well. They keep your sweet tooth going. Anything that tastes like sugar keeps you craving sugar, keep that in mind! Also be sure to watch serving sizes, a small frozen personal pizza may say it's 250 calories and you think that's great until you see the tiny writing that reads per serving and what you thought was a personal pizza turns out to be 4 servings which means it's a whopping 1000 calories if you ate the whole thing. Yeah I know this may sound cruel and it is but it's not so bad when you are knowledgeable with what you are fueling your body with. Once you get into this mind set it's second nature! The best thing you can do for yourself is eat single ingredient foods with no label. If you pick up an apple, guess what? You're eating an apple, no foreign ingredients to figure out or wondering about a serving size. This is not very realistic in the easy access packaged food world we live in but it's something to think about. You want a good balance of wholesome pure foods and avoid processed foods as much as possible!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stay occupied

I never get a chance to get bored because I'm always on the go, working, doing activities with the kids or running them to somewhere they have to be or spending time with family and friends so I rarely have idle time but when I do it drives me crazy! One reason is because I instantly want to eat. It's satisfying and it fills in blank time. It's the worse thing you can do, never eat out of boredom. You'll always chose the wrong foods and you'll always eat too much! If it's that bad for me I'll start cleaning. Throw some clothes in the wash or start vacuuming, scrub the toilets if you have to! Just think you'll have a lean body and a clean house too, what more could you ask for? Don't underestimate the power of cleaning too, it burns calories. Have you ever tried to scrub soap scum. I don't have these guns for nothing! Also you can create some more family time. Put the candy bar down and play a family game or a watch movie. The best thing to do is exercise. Hop on the floor and do some crunches, lift some hand weights while you watch your favorite TV shows. The next time your Saturday night plans fall through or the rain ruins your outdoor plans, instead of plooping on the couch with a half gallon of ice cream get active and get moving, the scale will thank you!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Moods determine what goes in your mouth a lot. Some people eat when they are happy, some people eat when they are sad. Some people eat when the sun is shining or when it's cloudy. If you are like me you didn't need a reason or your mood really didn't make a difference. You just wanted a cupcake because you wanted it, screw the clouds or the bad news just give me the food. Learn to recognize those things that trigger you to eat without being hungry. Portion out your food. Never eat out of a box or bag because you'll just keep eating. If you want some chips take a few out the bag and put the bag away and leave it! Don't eat standing up or while you're on the phone. Don't eat in front of the TV. When you are eating savor your food and realize it's for nourishment and fueling your body. Enjoy it! Talk with your family. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Let you mind catch up with your stomach. If you are eating too fast you are probably eating too much because your body can't get the signals to your mind fast enough to let you know that you are food. Eating based on mood almost always comes with that time of the month as well. You may crave sweets or salty snacks that you have to have. Take your time and ask yourself if it's mood driving your eating or actual hunger.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is your closet making you fat?

When was the last time you've done inventory of your closet and what you wear everyday? Does your wardrobe consist of sweat pants, big sweaters, over-sized shirts or jackets? These are clothes that hide the fat rolls, love handles and thunder thighs. Wel guess what hiding them doesn't mean they don't exist. They are there and getting bigger if you find you need pants with an elastic waist! Clean that closet out now! Try more form fitting clothes and button down shirts, skinny jeans and not the boyfriend jeans! The more you see of you body the more willing you'll be to stay on target with your eating and exercising to get the curves and form you desire. Go to the store and pick out a dress in your current size and then your goal size. Put them side by side and tell yourself you'll be there soon. For even more encouragement (if you can afford it) buy it and hang it where you can see it everyday as inspiration!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am sick to death of all the weight loss commercials and infomercials for 10 minute abs and so forth. No wonder it's a billion dollar a year industry. Everyone wants the quick fix when the truth is there is no quick fix. Even bariatric surgery doesn't work for all or work very well for some. Why not give yourself the time you need to lose the weight in a safe, healthy manner? A way that is a lifestyle change not a diet or fad? It is still very difficult for me on this weight road. Maintaining is harder than losing because you have to concentrate on every morsel of food...STILL. Old habits can never come back or the scale will surely creep back up and then all the hard work will have to be done all over again or it's back to fat land! I am thankful that this is truly something that was important enough for me to have patience for. I didn't rush it or put pressure on myself and I stuck with it, even when I felt it was no way I ever reach my goal. Once you get a taste of just a few pounds off though it's motivation enough for you to see it through. If your plan isn't working for you ask yourself if you are being patient enough. Isn't the new you worth waiting for?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ME time

Most of us are Mothers, Wives, Girlfriends, & such and have full time jobs and trying to find a balance for everything you need to do can sometimes be crazy! Trying to fit your "ME" time in can be almost impossible and some may even feel guilt for wanting it! Trust me those folks that love you will thank you for it! Your "ME" time to devote to the wellness of your body is not just for you everyone benefits from it! Some times I think "I really should have done that load of clothes or is my daughter still going to be awake for a story after I get home from the gym?" I have learned that it all gets done, some how! If there is one thing I am good at it's time management and knowing how important exercise is to me I have to schedule it at all costs. Also if it's scheduled on you calendar on your desk or a tone reminder on your cell phone you are more likely to stick to it! Add it to you calendar as "ME" time so it's something that you look forward to and not a chore!