Sunday, July 26, 2009

Doing too much?

I am feeling so tired and run down, it's time for a vacation from my vacation. After spending the weekend in New Jersey with the hubby and kids at Six Flags Great America I am beat down. The crazy thing is when we arrived Friday, we went straight to the pool & then to dinner and then I went to the fitness center. It was a modest center but had just what I needed. I hopped on the elliptical for and hour and then did weights for about 15 minutes. This really wasn't the greatest idea in hindsight I should have just rested up for Saturday because I knew working out would keep me that much more wound up which it did. I can't sleep in anyway so I was up at 6:30 am Saturday morning. Sleeping late for me is 8 am and I just knew I would sleep until then but no. So it was on to our big day at the park and I mean big. We were there from 10 am to 10 pm. So you know I felt no guilt for the pizza I had at the park. I needed a serious carb load for the walking we did. So here I am back at home Sunday washing clothes and packing again for another almost week long get-away next week. Am I crazy? I am feeling a little sick. I think the fast food and the constant on the go this weekend has got me screwed. I had fun don't get me wrong but when your activities through you outta whack you have to re-evaluate. So I am planning to get rest, eat well and balance my exercise for this next trip. We as mothers, wives, sisters, friends so often over extend ourselves and then we tend to neglect ourselves which affects our health. We need a balance regarding our weight, our nutrition and of course our mental health!

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