Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Holiday Season has arrived

We have sailed passed Thanksgiving and if you are like me you over ate! Get over it and get back on track and focus. Christmas is on our heels and you know what that means! Parties, family get-togethers, office treats, and food, food, food will be all around. This can be a good thing, think of the the money you'll save buying your own food when you can partake in all of the delights you have been invited to. Be careful, this can be worse than mine field! You have to navigate around the high fat, high sugar, high sodium goodies and choose wisely and yes it's hard and you will be limited but you can do it. Concentrate more on the holiday and the conversation than the food. Grab the small appetizer plate and fill up on the carrot sticks and whole wheat crackers with hummus, even treat yourself to a small slice of cake but if you go to three parties three days in a row just one slice at one party not all three please. Plan, plan, plan and never go in hungry, have some water or an apple before a holiday affair and the temptation won't be as great. I'm on a mission to shed a few pounds I put on over the summer and it's easier for me to shed weight in the winter. For some of you it may be the opposite because of all the goodies that are around. Of course none of this will make a difference without exercise. I'm currently hooked on my Saturday boot camp because it pushes me to do things I know I won't push myself to do. Sometimes we need to be held accountable, we need to know someone is paying attention and we staraighten up and fly right! Get it together now, don't wait for the new year just think how far you will be in it by the new year! Woohoo!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Just because you're not sick doesn't mean you're healthy!

Too many times we ignore signs that our bodies tell us that something is wrong! Are you getting routine doctors check-ups? More improtantly are you listening to your body and are you taking proactive steps to live a long healthy life. Your health status can change in the blink of an eye. We tend to think all is well because we don't "feel" sick. This may not be the case that's why regular health screenings are so important. Things like blood pressure, diet and exercise play a critical role in our health and these are things you can control. If you have the power why not use it? Sounds simple enough but so many people don't for whatever reason. Take control of what you have power over. You have control over every fork full that goes in your mouth! You decided when to get up and exercise or whether or not you are going to sit on the couch with some chips. Make a conscious decision to make whatever changes you need to make for a happier, healthier you. Even though your weight plays a major role don't be fooled to think that just because you aren't overweight that you are automatically healthy. Not true! So many people that look slim have the worst eating habits and may be in worse shape than some overweight people. Today is Halloween and Lord know I love any piece of candy with peanut butter in it. I really have to make an effort to stay away from the treat bag tonight! I won't even allow myself one piece becasuse it will lead to piece number two. I have to tell myself I already know what it tastes like so why eat it? Thanksgiving is around the corner and so is Christmas. That means food food food. Make your plan now to avoid overindulging! Just take care of YOU!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

You are in control!

No more excuses. Plan to succeed in your weight and fitness goals. Treat it just like you would a job...because it is!!! If being fit and losing weight were easy everyone would be at their ideal weight and companies selling lies in a bottle wouldn't be making billions a year in brainwashing folks into thinking they don't have to put in any work. The good thing is so much of the work is outlined for you. Find what works best for you and stick with it! You can't be "good" for a week and workout once and then get mad because the scale hasn't budged and you throw in the towel. Nope you'll never succeed! Be patient and set short goals with realistic expectations! Trust me if you stay consistent you will see results and you will surprise yourself! So as you all know I'm always looking for a new fitness challenge and I have found yet another one. I'm in week 3 of a fitness boot camp and loving it! It's Saturday mornings at 6am and I look forward to it! I still do my regular gym work outs at the gym and I have found myself incorporating some of he same routines. The great part is it's so hard and that's what I love about it. It is 100% hard work the entire hour and it's never the same thing twice, maybe the same types of exercises but always switched up in a way that makes it more and more challenging. The first week I could barely do burpies and mountain climbers. If you don't know what these are go to You Tube and put them in the search box. Dozens of demos and they are no joke. I'm already so much better at them already in week 3. Burpies are the #1 fat burning exercise you can do and trust me you will know why when you do them. Notice how I said "When" not "If"? I'm expecting you all to try them. Don't give up! You are in control!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

WE are not alone!

So I discovered a new blog today and quickly signed up to become a follower, the blog is Fat Girl Dives In just reading her blog I could so relate and it was refreshing! So many of us struggle with weight it's no secret but it's harder I think to keep it all bottled up inside. Sometimes it helps just to share your insecurities, your victories and defeats and know that you aren't the only one going through it. So as the days start to get a little shorter and the breezes are getting cooler in the morning I'm thinking of how much I dread fall and winter. Not to worry gonna stay on my A game and try not to beat myself up over everything. I am too hard on myself and I have to learn to congratulate myself for reaching small goals which I tell people all the time to set for themselves. Everyone wants to look at the broad picture but you'll find the short-term goals are so much easier and less stressful. What are your short-term goal? Now that I'm thinking, what are mine? I actually want to cut back on my gym time! It really is time consuming but it also increases my appetite so I think I want to go back to 3 or 4 days a week verses the 5 or 6 I'm doing now. Especially since school is back in and the kids are going to have more activities. Of course I need my "ME" time but I have to keep that balance. So good luck with your short term goals and by all means please share with me and remember we are not alone!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Serious Consideration

As I have blogged about before, I get many requests from friends and strangers alike who request my services to help them get on the weight loss train. It's part of the reason I started this blog because I was so tired of repeating myself (although it excites me every time) and I am so inspired by others success. I can truly say that I am passionate about what I say about my journey but it's just journey. Although I tell people all the time "If it worked for me it can work for you too!" I think I need to add a caveat to that statement. You must be mentally ready to commit to yourself. Commit time, finances, and all the strength physically and mentally you can muster. You also have to be selfish and not make excuses. So I say all this to say I am really considering doing some consulting for weight loss and exercise. I have been turning down money to do what I love! What the hell is wrong with me? I asked my Biggest Loser team at work all the time, "Do you know how much people pay for the results you are getting for listening to me?" They were getting it free! LOL but it was because I believed in them and they were committed and that dedication showed in their weight loss. Anyway I digress...let me know what you think, this may take off, it may not, the point is I am considering!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Quit is a four letter word!

So I'm sitting here at my daughters double Dutch practice itching to get to the gym as I always am when I take her to practice and I'm so motivated by their energy! They are jumping around and sweating and having fun! So I ask when did exercise stop being fun and start being work? The short answer is it didn't! Theses little girls don't know they are exercising they think they are jumping rope and having fun! Fun is the key word! Don't think you have to do dull boring exercises to achieve your desired results! Make it fun find something you love! Part of loving exercise for me is building up to it I look at it ad something I get to do like it's a privilege and to me it is because I do have the luxury of making time for it! I look forward to it and anticipate it at every turn down to my Golds Gym app! I hit the motivation button everyday for inspiration! I'm sitting here flipping through my new Shape magazine dog earring some new weight moves and leg exercises I can't wait to use. Hey but that's just me if you love to dance do it more often and dance a little harder, if you love to shop park st the far end of the parking lot, if you have small kids race them down the block or walk to the park and run around with them! Before you know it you'll be incorporating more and more activity! Give it a try what have you got to lose...oh yeah inches!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Your skinny Jeans aren't getting any bigger...

I am a clothes fanatic! I love to shop and my taste in fashion is very distinct. Now that I have a body that I love and I treat right and in return treats me right right, I wear pretty much whatever I want to and it's a great feeling! There was a time when a dressing room mirror would send me home in tears mocking me the whole way. Not any more and never again! Some people equate their goals in inches versus pounds and that is fine, whatever works for you. I did both. When there were times the scale didn't move but the pants I wore last week could no longer stay up with a safety pin I counted that as success! Do whatever you have to do to stay motivated. If the scale isn't treating you right, buy a goal piece of clothing. Something that may be a little too snug now or you see too much of a bulge in but with time eating right and exercising you know one day will fit you like a glove! Keep it hanging right in sight, don't put it in the back of the closet because you can't wear it right now! Hang it in your bathroom or on your bedroom door as a reminder of the near future and what you want. It's not impossible and it WILL happen. Once I started losing weight and got to the point where clothes weren't fitting anymore I started buying clothes at least two sizes down thinking there is no way this is ever going to fit and then when those clothes got too big I just laughed and kept on shopping! Let me tell you it's the best feeling in the world! Get that bathing suit, those skinny jeans, that cute dress, whatever it is you want, get moving and get out of your own way!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I won't know if you skip your workout...but you will!

Accountability! Yeah yeah I know you have heard that word a dozen or more times as it applies to almost everything we do in our lives but it means the most when it comes to your health and lifestyle. I like that word because we tend to lie to ourselves and make deals and then wonder why the scale isn't moving or that nemesis of a fat roll is still there when we look in the mirror. The bottom line is you have to stop the excuses and for goodness sakes stop putting off to tomorrow what you can do today! You have to be consistent to see results period! You can't go hard for a week and expect to reach your goal and go back to your bad habits. Also you gotta make it hurt. I know you have heard "NO PAIN NO GAIN" well believe it or not it's true. Don't make your workout "comfortable" if it's easy or relaxing WHILE you are doing it, you aren't working hard enough. Sure any movement is good for the body but for real results push yourself, you'll be pleased you can thank me later! BTW so many of you have and I really appreciate it and I am happy to offer my sometimes crass opinions. I love it! Stay moving and get motivated!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tasting counts

Are you a nibbler while you cook? Be careful, sampling adds calories too! If you sample the pasta to see if it's done or taste a piece of bread while you are preparing your plate, or licking the bowl and sucking icing off your fingers and wondering while you can't seem to shed any pounds then stop and take self inventory of what you are actually putting in your mouth. Even when the kids are done with their food and you are irritated because they claimed they were starving and yet left half their food untouched and you start in on what they left behind it still counts. Dump it, push it away, walk away! When you are cooking immediately put dishes in the sink or dishwasher so you won't be tempted to peel off the melted cheese left in the pan or keep a damp paper towel handy so no yummy goodness of what you are making makes it's way into you mouth! How do I know this? I have been guilty of it all and until you are 100% conscious of every bite that goes into your mouth you will never reach your desired weight. I can't tel you how many people have said to me "I eat right and I exercise but the scale isn't budging!" Maybe because they didn't think that donut at work counted just because someone offered it on a whim or the three forkfulls of someone elses entree they shoveled in their mouth at the new restaurant last night after they finished their own counted either. Hmmmm

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Afraid to Commit?

Hey y'all, okay I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm back! Ready to roll! So I was watching Oprah the other day and I still wonder how a billionaire can be fat. She could pay somebody to slap the cookie out of her hand, to pick her up out of the bed for morning workouts and to make the most delicious low-calorie foods her money can buy. Well unfortunately for us we don't have her money but we do have the same resources available to us as she does. The information is there, that's all you see is the weight loss video adds and the low calorie food adds and this program and that program. Guess what? They all work! Unfortunately there are so many and this is such a multi-million dollar business because people want them to work over night, give up and move to the next fad. Well it simply doesn't work like that. You have to be committed to whatever program you choose and stick to it and I guarantee it will work for you. Give it time and don't give up, commit to make a lifestyle change. It's all I preach. Yeah we all have our weaknesses but remember you control your body. The mind part is the hardest of all. Think about how you feel about your body. Take a long look at yourself and set a goal zeroing in on a portion of your body. If your arms are flabby commit to toning those arms, if your thunder thighs are jiggly commit to taking off some inches. The good thing about doing this while you are trying so hard to focus on one area of your body surprising the rest of your body will follow and low and behold you are shedding inches and pounds in areas you hadn't paid any attention to! Sounds like a win-win to me. Now I love Oprah I'm so not knocking her because she has been so successful in the past and maintaining, which is indeed the hardest part of weight loss she just can't seem to manage. She had Bob Greene on recently with his new book something about looking 20 years younger. I felt a chill go down my spine when Oprah said Bob wrote in the book the one thing that you could not skip, with his plan was the exercise! It is such a must in weight loss and an absolute must when trying to maintain. I say that as I'm typing a whopping 7 pounds more than my original goal weight. Okay some of you say okay you are only 7 pounds more than you were when you met your goal over 4 years ago that's nothing but to me it's a big deal because once you get comfortable and say to yourself it's okay your as good as packing 30 pounds on your ass! Don't get comfortable, don't let yourself slack, stay focused always or those bad habits are waiting to seep back into your life. Commit to the thinner, healthier you!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Results are in!!!!

Okay so I am sure you all recall the challenge I gave to my co-workers twelve weeks ago...well they followed my advice! Some more than others but they did it. They exercised they ate healthy and the pounds fell off. During this challenge I even got a promotion and was no longer in the same department with them but they continued to do well. The "Food Police" wasn't around as they called me but I still kept a close eye on them. Here are the results:

1st place Melanie 34 pounds or 15.89%
2nd place Johnnie 32 pounds or 14.07%
3rd place Cheryl 22.5 pounds or 12.64%
4th place Rick 29.5 pounds or 12.50%
5th place Lisa 13.5 pounds or 6.77%
6th place LaShawn 3 pounds or 2.08%
7th place James 2 pounds or 1%

They continue to inspire me and I love to pay it forward!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Forward

As I sit here on the eve of turning my clock ahead one hour I'm feeling excited. When I say I love Spring and Summer, I LOVE Spring and summer. It's just something about a warn bright sunshiney day! If you are anything like me you want some variety in your life and when I say that I am referring to food and exercise so put those raised eyebrows back in place. I have got the hang of switching it up and challenging myself as far as exercise now I want to look for some really great recipes. I am not much of a cook. I mean I can and I definitely have my specialities but it seems so time consuming. My time is so valuable I just don't have enough time in my day so I am always looking for quick and easy but it has to healthy too and that's the hardest part! So if any of you have any light and healthy recipes to share please pass them to me!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Working on the mind too

Weight loss is hard. So often we concentrate on the physical aspects of weight loss and not realize how much we have to work on the mental aspect of it. Have you addressed what got you to the weight you are? For me it was a combination of things. For one I think I am a food addict. I love food and was a former greedy girl! Some people turn to food for emotional support in good times or bad or both. Your success in your weight loss journey is directly tied to your mental connection with food. Stop the mindless eating, stop eating just because the food is in front of you and it's free, stop eating because you are happy, stop eating because you are sad. Look at food as nourishment, as fuel. Remember you get out what you put in. If you you eat healthy nutritious foods your body will respond with energy, better sleep, better sexual sensation. Everything! You benefit 10 fold by fueling your body foods that that promote your health and well being. The next time you reach for a second scoop full, another slice or an extra helping just stop and ask yourself if you are hungry, if you really want it, if you really need it, more than likey the answer is no so turn around and walk away.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Summer goals!

With spring only 37 days away I can't wait! In a few weeks the birds will start chirping the days are already starting to get a little longer and well we all start thinking about our health and bodies more. I have already signed up for my first spring 5k for this year. The Bowie 5K on March 26th! I can't wait to get back outside running. It's just not the same on the treadmill even with my tunes. Nonetheless I always make do. So what are my goals this summer? I'm not really sure. Just to stay fit and feel great. I have been doing it for so long now if I were any other way I think I would be a wreck. I think I'm going to pull the bikinis out this weekend and make sure everything is in the same place as it was last year! Set your goals now. If they are the same ones you set last year and did not achieve that is more of a reason to set them again. It's never too late to get healthy and fit!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Paying It Forward?

I am truly inspired by the challenge several of the member of my office are taking on. They have put their money where their mouths are! They are doing a 12 week weight loss challenge that I asked them to try. To be honest I didn't think they would go for it. It's a scary venture and trust me several were on the fence and some still are. But you have to start somewhere. Even if you have failed time and time again. This time could be the "One" time you really get it together so you can't give up or you may never get that one time. Several of them have told me that I inspired them to pursue this and that just touches my heart. The crazy thing is they inspire me, they motivate me to keep it up. You can't let people down that look to you as an example. So far there are 7 1/2 people participating. LOL I say 7 1/2 because one claims he will start on Friday but it's all good! If I am able to see them through this journey and they change their lives to be healthier and fitter then they can pay it forward to someone else. It's a cycle I hope to inspire and keep going. I told them it's not about the money. In the end if they all lose weight then that's the reward right there but several hundreds of dollars can be a hell of a motivator! I will keep you posted on their journey. I have offered them tips, all of which I have shared on this blog before and the wealth of information that is on the internet alone is really all the tools that they need. There are no excuses and there are no secrets burn more calories than you consume and the weight will melt off period! Eat healthy! Eat several times throughout the day. YOU HAVE TO EAT TO LOSE! I preach it all the time. They joked and laughed about how they were gonna eat air sandwiches and that there were gonna bring in donuts to sabatage the others. They even snitched on one that had KFC for lunch. I told them I am not the food police! They know what to do it's all mind over matter, put your mind to it and nothing else matters!