Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Holiday Season has arrived

We have sailed passed Thanksgiving and if you are like me you over ate! Get over it and get back on track and focus. Christmas is on our heels and you know what that means! Parties, family get-togethers, office treats, and food, food, food will be all around. This can be a good thing, think of the the money you'll save buying your own food when you can partake in all of the delights you have been invited to. Be careful, this can be worse than mine field! You have to navigate around the high fat, high sugar, high sodium goodies and choose wisely and yes it's hard and you will be limited but you can do it. Concentrate more on the holiday and the conversation than the food. Grab the small appetizer plate and fill up on the carrot sticks and whole wheat crackers with hummus, even treat yourself to a small slice of cake but if you go to three parties three days in a row just one slice at one party not all three please. Plan, plan, plan and never go in hungry, have some water or an apple before a holiday affair and the temptation won't be as great. I'm on a mission to shed a few pounds I put on over the summer and it's easier for me to shed weight in the winter. For some of you it may be the opposite because of all the goodies that are around. Of course none of this will make a difference without exercise. I'm currently hooked on my Saturday boot camp because it pushes me to do things I know I won't push myself to do. Sometimes we need to be held accountable, we need to know someone is paying attention and we staraighten up and fly right! Get it together now, don't wait for the new year just think how far you will be in it by the new year! Woohoo!!!

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