Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Holiday time!
Okay I know don't panic! If you are anything like me you have tons of holiday parties to attend and that means booze and food and both can blow your healthy lifestyle right out of the water. I've got three words for you! PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! It's the only way to keep you sane and from overindulging in all the goodies! I recently stopped drinking completely for 21 whole days! I was so proud of myself and it showed on the scale. Alcohol can have a low calorie count by itself but when you start mixing with sugary mixes and sodas watch out! I've never been one for fruity drinks but if you are mix with diet colas or natural lime juice. Also go for wine it packs a punch and so much better for you than say a beer or God forbid calorie ladened egg nog! What I have to watch out for is the munchies when I drink so get rid of the tortilla chips and other not so good for you choices. Try hard cheese and reduced fat crackers, almonds or edamame or some veggies. Raw asparagus and slices of yellow or red peppers are my favorites. Plan ahead before a holiday party by drinking plenty of water and maybe eating an apple on the way! Never go hungry or you are defeated before you even start. Grab the dessert size plates instead of the dinner plates and fill up on veggies and lean proteins. Stay away from the desserts and starchy rich foods. Focus on the conversation or atmosphere instead of the buffet and I guarantee you that you wont't miss out on a thing! Cheers!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
It doesn't get any easier!
So I turned 40 this year! No big deal right? Wrong! A very big deal when you are constantly trying to stay fit and stay on track. As our body ages we change and not for the better! More of this, less of that. If you are like me you wonder what's going on! Don't get me wrong I feel better now than I did at 20 and look better too I might add but I often wonder...am I an old lady? I mean really? I joke about it and call myself old all the time! If these were the frontier days I'd already have several grandchildren and one foot in the grave and probably just a few teeth I might add. Nonetheless it's 2012 and the best part about living in this age is that we are educated with how to keep our bodies running like a well oiled machine. But do we follow the advice of doctors and health experts? Sure we like to think that we do but in our lazy society we often want overnight success and a quick fix pill. If I thought something like even existed I would jump on it but it doesn't not for the long haul anyway. I feel a definite difference in trying to maintain my weight these last couple of years which just means I have to adapt. Make the the necessary changes to conform to my body's needs. The best thing you can do is listen to your body, watch and observe and take heed. You know what works for you and you know what doesn't. If not, consult your physician and find the path you need. Last Sunday, September, 16th I ran the Navy 5 Miler for the third year in a row. I thought wow I'm older I'm in a different age category now in the race and I'm as determined as ever to do better than I did the two previous years and I did! I was ecstatic that I ran 5 miles in 54:47! Now what's my goal for next year? Hmmmmm
Friday, September 7, 2012
What's Eating You?
Emotions play a large roll in our eating habits. Sometimes we don't eat because we are down or eat too much. Other times we want to reward ourselves with something we know we shouldn't have and then end up feeling bad afterward. Sometimes we have to stop and ask ourselves if we are really hungry or are we just eating to feel good. I'm sure you've all heard the quote "Eat to live, don't live to eat!" Well I agree with this to a certain extent. Sure we can eat leaves off the trees and drink water and that's enough for us to live but that's not living. We've evolved enough that our food choices especially in this country range the full spectrum from super healthy to "A heart attack on a plate" as I like to call some dishes. Even if your eating habits fall somewhere in the middle over indulgence is usually a serious factor. Portion sizes are generally way too large and if you were like me, as a child you were told to finish the food on your plate...full or not! I can say from experience that it's all an adjustment but not an impossible one. Everything takes practice even eating. Correction eating healthy! Let nothing else guide your food selection choices, emotions shouldn't and hunger certainly shouldn't. If you are eating small meals and snacks throughout the day you should never be hungry to the point that you would select anything other than what you should be eating. If you need to write down meals do it! If you need to view restaurant menus on line before you go, do it! With a little effort that's all it takes you'll feel better and you'll look GREAT!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Your favorite jeans
Your favorite jeans or your favorite dress, skirt, blouse or whatever. We all have something that is our one favorite go to item. You want to keep that one favorite piece of clothing right within reach for when you dress it up or dress it down whatever the case but what happens when it no longer fits? Devastation? Tears? The crazy thing is you would think you would be happy if it's too big but sometimes that's not always the case but then it may be a reminder of what you used to think made you look great until you see how your body is swimming in it and you think to yourself did I really think this was cute? Often we want to ditch it fast and never look back but why not hold on to it? Just as a reminder to keep you focused and to congratulate yourself on just how far you've come! Now here comes the flip side...what if that favorite piece seems to fit more snug with every wear? You think to yourself is my dryer set on high? Did the dry cleaners shrink my clothes? But you've noticed a couple extra pounds on the scale but refuse to accept it! As I've said before the weight loss battle is just as much a mental thing as it is a physical thing. Once you conquer your fears, your denials or maybe even your laziness you can begin to set those goals that you need to reach and go for it! Make a list, write it out! Tell a friend or loved one, someone that can help hold you accountable and go for it.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Taking care of you
Are you a priority in your own life? Don't let work, your love life, friends or family derail you from your goals. You'll find that all of these things will some how fall into place when you make yourself a priority. I used to consider myself selfish until I realized I'm just taking care of me! If I don't who will in the large scheme of things? In return my body loves me back by making me feel good, giving me energy and clear thoughts. Yeah yeah everyday isn't going to be a parade but it's damn close. Obstacles don't feel as huge, and little things aren't morphed into bigger things because I won't allow them to affect me that way and I truly believe a lot of this feeling is due to taking care physically. Are you going to make some changes for you? Why not? Let's do it together!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Don't give up before you even begin!
What are you waiting for? Don't read this with a puzzling look you know exactly what I'm talking about! Don't shoot down your goals before you even list them! I've heard excuse after excuse as to why people don't make a healthy lifestyle change. First stop and think about your excuse! Is it kids? Nope that a REASON not an excuse if you don't take care of you who is going to take care of them? Is is time? Nope the are 24 hours in a day that's a long time! If you have to get up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later so be it, dedicate time to exercise and stick to it no matter what! Is it work, work hours, social activities, finances? Nope, nope, nope and nope! I'm not buying it. Work for most is generally set hours if you make your own schedule then I really don't wanna hear it, if you feel you need to socialize, enlist some friends to exercise with you, you can yap all through it and it will get your heart rate up even higher! Gym memberships costs too much or organic produce is expensive? If your finances are tight you are like most people but there are tons of exercises and work outs you can do that don't require anything but a good pair of athletic shoes all free free free! Oh yeah did I say free? And if you are like 99.99% of Americans you have the internet at your finger tips and can google just about anything for tips on exercising without equipment or fancy gyms. Also in the long run you will find that buying healthier food is cheaper than prepackaged processed food. Make a commitment to yourself with no excuses no finger pointing. Get some Nike's and JUST DO IT!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Mind Over Body
Im determined to add posts more often, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day but here I am writing my random thoughts. So I was thinking about the mind-body coralation and how we often make deals with ourselves when it comes to weight loss or try to convince ourselves we are on track when we aren't. If you aren't ready to make a lifestyle change you will not be successful in your weight loss journey. Sure you may lose weight for an event or vacation but it will pile back on the minute you go back to your old habits. Prepare yourself mentally and everything else will fall into place. Be realistic with what you want to achieve and take it a day at a time. Encourage yourself at every turn and dont let minor setbacks derail you. The weight loss journey can be filled with a range of emotions especially if food is an emotional outlet for you. Seek alternatives to fill the space that you were filling with food at happy or sad times. As I've said before celebrations are often filled with food and not the light and healthy kind. Also prepare yourself mentally to be one step ahead of the game whenever you know you will be in a social setting where you may be tempted! Especially in a buffet setting! Scan what your food choices are and don't feel rushed to fill your plate just because others are waiting! Screw them! They can wait trust me no one is going to pass out from hunger. Grab the appetizer size plate not the dinner plate and look for fresh fruit and fresh veggies, lean protein and bypass the doorstop dinner rolls, avoid anything that looks like it came out of a can. If you can have a glass of water before you even go to get some food and pop a piece of gum in your mouth it works wonders for keeping away cravings. Also scan the room look for the people who are spilling out of their chairs and whose buttons look like they could popped at any moment creating a severe eye injury for someone then look to see what they have on their plate and don't get any of it. Yeah may sound a little harsh to some but again it's a mind game and you are your biggest obstacle in the battle to keep your body lean and healthy! Bon appettit!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Feeling good!
Ahhhh just back from Miami and my skin isn't the only thing glowing! I feel good because I made my goal...well partially! Enough that I felt confident in wearing my bikini's. Of which I think I have a mild obsession with only because I don't think I can ever have too many. So I am just continuing my journey to stay fit and healthly. I still love my exercise schedule but am finding it a little routine. The boot camp is cool too but even that is starting to get a little routine even though he switches up what we do from week to week. So I am wondering what's next. I know I want to do at least one more run be
fore it gets too hot. Nonetheless I'm going to stay motivated...summer is right around the corner!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Hitting a Wall!
Wow no post since February? I can't believe it! Well the scale shows it too! Up down up down! I swear I have been trying to lose 10 pounds for over a year. It's driving me crazy because it's so little but it's the hardest thing ever and I'm mad I let it creep back on! I'm being lazy! I need to get it together! Correction...I have got it together! Next post I'll update you as to how much I lost, stay tuned! I have all of you holding me accountable now!!!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Motivation can come from anywhere
I feel really happy I ran into a co-worker today who told me she had recently started an early morning boot camp and how much better she felt already. She was concerned about being on high blood pressure medicine and high cholestoral medicine but she knows with a lifestyle change those prescription medications will be a thing of the past. She was very encouraged by me from knowing me before and after. It really did make my day because I wasn't feeling very encouraged today. Now I'm at 100! Feeling positive and thinking about my gym bag sitting in my trunk and how I can't wait to get to the gym this evening. Comments and praise help me keep things in perspective! My success reaches far and wide and it has not only benefitted me but it has benefitted others as well. I told another friend the other day who was feeling a little discouraged not to look at her workouts as a punishment but as a reward and all that she will recieve from it. I couldn't wait to get to the gym yesterday during the Super Bowl, I practically had the place to myself! It was great I was all over the place just in my zone. Focus on the results, set small goals and work it out! It feels great!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
You go girl!
This post is dedicated to my long time girlfriend Trenita Dickey! Trenita and I have been very close friends since our Freshman year in college. Trenita recently said that she was ready to make some changes! She decided to embrace better eating habits and fitness. When she initially told me I had no doubt for a minute that she wouldn't be successful because of her stong personality and her "no excuses" attitude. She joined and gym and that was all she wrote. She dedicated time for her workout no matter what! She started making healthy choices with her meals and scaling back her portions and viola just a few months and over 30 pounds later Trenita has seen the pounds and inches melt away from her body. We have had many conversations about her weight loss and how great she feels over all. She has watched her waist shrink and her stamina build and she is never turning back. Friends and family have seen the glow in her and are encouraging her all the way! She is excited to go shopping and try on smaller, cuter and dare I say cheaper clothes!
Tenita is looking forward to the spring when the coats and the sweaters are peeled off and the new her is revealed. She is comitted to a new lifestyle not a diet but permanent changes that will last a life time. Check out her "before" and "in progress" pics. You go Trenita! Keep up the good work, I'm your number one cheerleader! I love you!!
Tenita is looking forward to the spring when the coats and the sweaters are peeled off and the new her is revealed. She is comitted to a new lifestyle not a diet but permanent changes that will last a life time. Check out her "before" and "in progress" pics. You go Trenita! Keep up the good work, I'm your number one cheerleader! I love you!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Happy New Year...a new you in 2012?
New Year's Resolutions anyone? Blah blah blah. I know you are seeing all the Nutrisystem and Weightwatchers Commercials and wondering if this will be your year to get it together! Why not? Start now, even if you have tried and tried again you can always keep trying and one day it will stick. Make healthy food choices and get moving this is your year!
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