Sunday, January 3, 2010

No More Excuses!

So it's January 3, 2010 and are you still wrestling with the excuses you've made that are keeping you from getting fit and healthy? If you are, you aren't alone but it is time to ditch those excuses. We make room for everything in our lives. For family and work and running errands and everyday tasks. Fit in an exercise routine too. I used to think I would never have time to go to to gym. Now I can't imagine not having time for it. It is so much a part of me now. This is year three for me now going at least 3 days a week. I'm not talking about for a few months, or skipping during bad weather, or not going when the kids are on school break. I am talking about I have gone to the gym at least 3 days a week since I started going three years ago. Even on vacations. I'm amazed at that just typing it! I don't let bad weather stand in the way! I don't let work stand in the way! I don't even let illness stand in way! Thank GOD I haven't had anything more than a cold in these last three years and even then the heavy breathing of exercising always cleared my head right up. Even when I had my tubes tied in '07 the first thing I did was ask my doctor how soon I could get back in the gym. When she told me as soon as I felt like it that was all she wrote. I played it by ear because I didn't want to risk injuring myself but within a few days I was back in the gym. Taking it slow of course but I am also sure it aided in the healing process. I am still amazed at the fact of how your body responds to how you treat it. You take care of it and it will take care of you and I mean gladly! With energy and a feeling of restfulness. Not many people in the world can wake up in the morning feeling great and I can honestly say that I do because of the dedication I have made to myself. Try it! You'll like it!!!! By the way this posting was inspired by someone who needs a push. I consider this a kick! LOL

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