Thursday, October 21, 2010

Energized and Focused!

Those who know me know that I despise Fall & Winter and I think it's gotten worse for me over the years. I know that some people are actually treated with light therapy to combat the feelings that the dreariness of these seasons can bring. Although my bright summer sunshiney days are now gone I find the joy of exercise brings me an internal sunshine. There really is something to this endorphine thing, it's great! Fall and Winter is also a hard time to stay focused because of the holidays and covering up with sweaters and coats. NOPE NOPE NOPE! Don't fall into the trap make these seasons the time you work on your body and health the most and then BAMM break out that rockin' bod in the Spring! Did I really just type BAMM? LOL I should be getting a cut from Emeril! Nonetheless, here I am feeling relaxed after having had a great workout, updating my blog and feeling good. Since my last entry I have run another race. The Bowie 5K Run for a Cause on October 9th! Not only was it great because it was at the park right across the street from my house but I also included my kids. Hubby ran with me of course, my son was there for support (too cool to run I guess) and my daughter did the FUN RUN for kids and she ran her little heart out I was so proud. 5K is 3.1 miles and I ran it in about 32 minutes. I have not received my official time yet. Of course I have already registered for my next race the NFL 5K at the National Harbor on November 13th. I'm excited but sad too because I'm hooked and I know this will be my last race until the Spring now that it's getting colder. If anyone is interested in registering for the race go to Get motivated! Get moving!

1 comment:

  1. Well you know I'm there with you i.e., knee brace and all...and can't wait! Got my Skins gear too...hope it's not too chilly. Sincerely, 6'&Sexy
